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Health Office Information

No student is allowed to stop in the health office between classes. If they need to go to the health office, they are to report to class first and then ask for a pass from the teacher.

In case of an emergency, Emergency Data Forms are required for all students. We ask that all families list the phone number of a relative or friend that can be contacted in an emergency. A student who is feeling ill must ask permission to go to the nurse's office from a class. The nurse will then attempt to contact a parent or guardian. In the interest of a student's health and safety, a student may not leave school without a parent/guardian and the nurse's permission.

A note from the parent or guardian is required if a student is to be excused from gym/swim for one day. The note must be specific in stating the reason for the excuse. A note is required from a physician for an absence of more than one day. The note must indicate the reason for the absence and the length of time the student will be out. The school nurse will NOT excuse anyone from gym.

Physicals: All students entering the school district for the first time, those entering Pre-K or K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grade, will need a health examination physical. The examination must be completed by a New York State licensed physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner, and presented to school within 30 days of entering school. Physicals are valid if performed no sooner than 12 months prior to the first day of school of the year in which it is required.

Physician's Health Appraisal Form


Contact Us

Nurse: 362-7104